Our efforts for the protection and conservation of jaguars strive to compensate the budget difficulties faced by the Costa Rican state university academic community in their research programs, by means of the protection and conservation of one of the most representative feline species.

It would be hardly possible to comply with the requirements indicated by the researchers of the ICOMVIS-Universidad Nacional Jaguar Program and the School of Biology of the University of Costa Rica without the solidarity and contributions of people like You, who firmly believe in personal responsibility and in the commitment to collaborate for the protection and conservation of species as symbolic as the jaguar.

We invite you to join our donation program. The Jaguar Foundation guarantees you that your contribution will be invested according to each one of the donation categories established by our specialists.


We invite you to join our donation program. The Jaguar Foundation guarantees you that your contribution will be invested according to each one of the donation categories established by our specialists.


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Leave your Mark is a program that facilitates making donations for purchasing equipment required by the researchers from the Universidad Nacional and the University of Costa Rica. Researchers and their assistants have established the donation categories according to the characteristics of the equipment they need. Your donation becomes our work tool!


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This is an invitation to all those natural persons or legal entities wishing to support the efforts of the Jaguar Foundation through their donations made via wire transfer to the Jaguar Foundation accounts indicated below. The amount of the contribution is voluntary and it is established by the person making the donation. Thank you very much for your contribution!!


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Our affiliation program makes it easier for any natural person or legal entity to contribute temporarily or permanently to the needs of the research programs promoted by the Jaguar Foundation. We have set up an affiliation form where you can indicate the information about the contribution you wish to provide in terms of the amount of the contribution and the time of affiliation you may establish as a contributor. Welcome to the Jaguar Foundation Affiliation Program!

Videos de interés.

Importancia de la empresa privada

Alineamiento con RSE

Austeridad en el uso de fondos donados

Constitución Fundación Jaguar

Nuestros Contribuyentes

Agradecimiento a nuestros contribuyentes: La Fundación Jaguar desea expresar nuestro profundo agradecimiento a los contribuyentes que, al igual que nosotros, han creído en la importancia de apoyar el esfuerzo de las Universidades Estatales en la conservación y preservación del Jaguar. En este sentido, queremos reiterar el agradecimiento a Motores Británicos S.A., quienes donaron a la Fundación Jaguar en el mes de diciembre de 2014 un Cuadraciclo de 250 c.c. marca CAN-AM, el cual se ha convertido en una valiosa herramienta de apoyo para los investigadores de la Universidad Nacional durante sus extensas jornadas de campo en el Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, en Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Así mismo, deseamos agradecer a BAC San José S.A. por su acompañamiento a nuestro programa desde los inicios del mismo, así como a los nuevos contribuyentes, a quienes les garantizamos un correcto y eficiente manejo de los fondos que han destinado a la Fundación Jaguar. A todos, muchas gracias! Fundación Jaguar

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We at the Jaguar Foundation wish to express our deepest thanks to the contributors, who, like us, have believed in the importance of supporting the efforts of the state Universities in the conservation and preservation of the jaguar.