Panthera onca

Financing difficulties faced by the Costa Rican state universities for developing their research programs led us to obtain joint efforts and find the best and most effective fund raising strategies to support the Jaguar Program and the Genetics Program carried out by Universidad Nacional and the University of Costa Rica, respectively, for the conservation and preservation of jaguars.

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Jaguars and their importance

The lack of information about the ecology of jaguars in the tropics constituted one of the main reasons that motivated research work about this endangered species. The main approach that emphasizes the relevance of jaguars relies on the fact that their presence is an indicator of a healthy forest, which guarantees the existence of prey that constitutes the daily diet of jaguars; therefore, the food chain in their habitat is not altered.

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The Jaguar Program is a research program attached to the International Institute for Wildlife Conservation and Management (ICOMVIS) program of the Universidad Nacional (UNA) of Costa Rica. The Jaguar Program aims to the leadership in the generation and transmission of knowledge for the conservation of the jaguar(Panthera onca), the cougar (Puma concolor) and preys associated to their natural habitats...

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In 2005, researchers from the University of Costa Rica became interested in knowing the status of the jaguar populations in the country. In doing so, the need arose for obtaining more genetic information, since most of the existing data were morphological and ecological. This is how we started to get benefits...

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In 1973, studies about the status of vulnerability of jaguars indicated that this was an endangered species in the American continent. In Costa Rica, their wild populations have been drastically reduced in the past decades due to the alteration of their habitat and indiscriminate hunting...

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There are multiple initiatives that seek to obtain the help and participation of people and companies from different sectors for achieving their goals. We believe that it is necessary to offer a list of reasons to provide transparency to our work, which will allow you to have better criteria once you decide to be part of our donation program.

Initiative of the Costa Rican private sector for supporting the protection and conservation of jaguars.

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We invite you to join our donation program. The Jaguar Foundation guarantees you that your contribution will be invested according to each one of the donation categories established by our specialists.


We, the Jaguar Foundation, wish to express our deepest thanks to the contributors who, like us, have believed in the importance of supporting the efforts of the State Universities for the conservation and preservation of jaguars. In this sense, we emphasize our thanks to Motores Británicos S.A., who donated a CAN-AM 250-c.c. four-wheeler to the Jaguar Foundation in December 2014, which has become a valuable support tool for researchers from the Universidad Nacional during their long field trips at the Santa Rosa National Park in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Likewise, we wish to thank BAC San José S.A. for joining our program since its beginning, as well as the new contributors, to whom we guarantee proper and efficient handling of the funds they have provided for the Jaguar Foundation. To all of you, thank you very much! The Jaguar Foundation

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Leave your Mark is a program that facilitates making donations for purchasing equipment required by the researchers from the Universidad Nacional and the University of Costa Rica. Researchers and their assistants have established the donation categories according to the characteristics of the equipment they need. Your donation becomes our work tool!


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This is an invitation to all those natural persons or legal entities wishing to support the efforts of the Jaguar Foundation through their donations made via wire transfer to the Jaguar Foundation accounts indicated below. The amount of the contribution is voluntary and it is established by the person making the donation. Thank you very much for your contribution!!


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Our affiliation program makes it easier for any natural person or legal entity to contribute temporarily or permanently to the needs of the research programs promoted by the Jaguar Foundation. We have set up an affiliation form where you can indicate the information about the contribution you wish to provide in terms of the amount of the contribution and the time of affiliation you may establish as a contributor. Welcome to the Jaguar Foundation Affiliation Program!



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